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Canadian Standard Association (CSA)

The Canadian Standards Association develops standards and CSA International conducts product testing and certification.

CSA Regulations

CSA C22.1-18

Canadian Electrical Code, Part I: Safety Standard for Electrical Installations – This standard sets out the minimum safety requirements for electrical installations, including those for security systems.

CSA Z240.3.1-17

Security management for petroleum and natural gas industry systems – This standard provides guidelines for the design and installation of security systems in the petroleum and natural gas industries.

CSA Z317.13-17

Handling of health care waste materials – This standard provides guidelines for the design and installation of security systems in healthcare facilities, including those related to the handling of healthcare waste materials.

CSA Z318.14-13

Protection of Personal Information – This standard provides guidelines for the design and installation of security systems related to the protection of personal information.

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Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA)

The OHSA sets out minimum health and safety standards to protect workers against hazards on the job. It applies to almost every worker, supervisor, employer and workplace in Ontario, including constructors, workplace owners, and suppliers of equipment or materials to workplaces that are covered by the OHSA.

OHSA Regulations

Regulation 851

Industrial Establishments – This regulation sets out requirements for the safe operation of equipment and machinery in industrial establishments, including electrical equipment and systems.

Regulation 213/91

Construction Projects – This regulation sets out requirements for the safe construction, alteration, and demolition of buildings and structures, including electrical installations.

Regulation 629/94

Fire Code – This regulation sets out fire safety requirements for buildings and structures, including fire alarms and fire suppression systems.

Regulation 629/94

Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents – This regulation sets out requirements for the safe handling and use of biological or chemical agents, which may be relevant in certain workplaces where security systems are installed.

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Ontario Building Code (OBC)

Ontario Building Code is a regulation under the Building Code Act. It establishes detailed technical and administrative requirements and minimum standards for building construction.

OBC Regulations


Fire alarm and detection systems


Sprinkler systems


Access control systems and security devices


Emergency power systems


Security requirements for healthcare facilities

Section 3.10.14

Security requirements for detention facilities

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Ontario Electrical Safety Code

The Ontario Electrical Safety Code is a provincial regulation that sets safety standards for the installation and maintenance of electrical equipment. It is mainly a technical document aimed at enforcing safety standards.

ESC Regulations

Section 10

Grounding and bonding

Section 16

Class 1 and Class 2 circuits and equipment

Section 26

Installation of electrical equipment

Section 32

Fire alarm and life safety systems

Section 46

Emergency power supply and standby power systems

The Green Environment

Environmental Protection Act

The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 is an act, whose goal is to contribute to sustainable development through pollution prevention and to protect the environment, human life and health from the risks associated with toxic substances.

fire code

Ontario Fire Code

The Ontario Fire Code, a regulation under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 (FPPA) applies across Ontario and consists of a set of minimum requirements for fire safety within and around existing buildings and facilities.

employment standards act

Employment Standards Act

The employment standards legislation in each province and territory within Canada sets out the minimum legal requirements that an employer must follow within areas such as minimum wage, statutory holidays, vacation and leaves, notice of termination and severance pay and many more.

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